BreastScreen Norway
BreastScreen Norway
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Norway. 4076 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023.
BreastScreen Norway invites all women aged 50-69 to have a breast cancer check in the form of a screening mammogram (X-ray imaging of the breast) every other year.
The goal of the program is to find early stage breast cancer so that fewer women die from the disease.
BreastScreen Norway is a public health service administered by the Cancer Registry of Norway. Participation is voluntary.
For women who are invited
All women aged 50-69 receive a personal invitation letter with a suggested appointment for a screening mammogram. This invitation comes with approximately a two year interval.
More information:
- When will I be invited?
- The screening examination
- Benefits and harms
- Stop receiving or resuming invitations
- Information resources
Mammography does not detect all breast cancers. Breast cancer can also be found between two mammograms. Always check with your doctor if you notice a new lump or changes in your breast, even if you just had a mammogram.
Information in other languages
You can find information in other languages here.
Research in BreastScreen Norway
A number of research projects are ongoing in BreastScreen Norway. These projects cover a wide range of topics, and aim to increase knowledge about breast cancer screening and improve the screening program.
Read more about our research projects here.