
The information we collect about you in ColorectalScreen Norway is processed in a way that ensures your privacy is well protected. No unauthorized individuals will have access to the information we process about you.

Information in the Cancer Registry of Norway is collected and processed in accordance with the information security requirements that follow from privacy legislation.

The Personal Data Act and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation apply to the processing of personal data in the bowel screening programme. The collection and processing of information in the Cancer Registry of Norway is further regulated by the Cancer Registry Regulations, which are regulations to the Health Data Filing System Act. 

Information collected in connection with invitations and attendance at the bowel screening programme is processed by authorized employees at the Cancer Registry. These have access to the information as part of the Cancer Registry's mandatory tasks. All processing of information is subject to strict rules on confidentiality. 

The information can also be used in the further follow-up of the individual, and for administration of the colorectal screening programme. Indirectly identifiable information may be disclosed for evaluation and research purposes.

What information do we store about you?

  • Name
  • Address
  • National identity number
  • Country of birth
  • Gender
  • Time of sending invitations and replies
  • Time and place of examination
  • The results of the screening examination and any additional examinations 
  • Which health enterprise is responsible for your colonoscopy

We also keep a continuous overview of any reservations against the storage of personal data in the Cancer Registry of Norway in the event of normal findings, as well as an overview of who does not wish to receive future invitations.

If you have answered and returned a questionnaire, this information is stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation and national legislation.

What is the information used for?

The Cancer Registry of Norway is responsible for the operation, monitoring and quality assurance of the bowel screening programme.

Your information is used for:  

  • Continuous planning and sending of invitations.
  • Continuous monitoring of quality indicators.
  • Evaluation of the programme's goal of reduced colorectal cancer mortality.
  • Professional development of the program.
  • Research projects. It is a prerequisite that it can be documented that the project has an independent legal basis before disclosure of information can take place. In practice, this means that the project must fulfil one of the conditions set out in Article 6 (no) of the General Data Protection Regulation. 1 and Article 9(9). 2, in addition to the necessary supplementary legal basis in national law.  For health research projects, prior ethical approval from the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) is required. It will not be possible to trace the individual's identity in published results. 

Right to information and access

You have the right to information and access to the information processed about you. You can also demand access to who has  been provided with information about you. To request access, you must fill out a separate form.

You can find more information about that here.

Access to health information should preferably be provided through your last treating doctor and health institution. Requests for access must be answered without undue delay, and no later than 30 days from the day the request was received.

Requirements for correction, blocking and deletion

You can demand that errors be corrected. Requests for deletion or blocking may only take place to the extent that the processing of the data feels strongly burdensome for the registered person, and there are no strong public considerations that indicate that the information should be processed. Requests for correction, deletion or blocking of the information should be directed to the Cancer Registry of Norway

Reservation against registration of personal data in the Cancer Registry of Norway in the event of a negative finding

You can reserve yourself against having your personal data related to examinations in the bowel screening programme permanently registered in the Cancer Registry of Norway in the event of a negative finding. If you opt out, personal data already registered about you will be deleted after they have been quality assured, and no later than six months after collection. Here you can read more information about booking and how to make a reservation.

General information about privacy and information security at the Cancer Registry of Norway

The Cancer Registry of Norway follows strict regulations for how the information in the registry should be stored and processed. Here you will find more general information about this.