Film resources mammography

The films show how a typical mammography examination is performed in BreastScreen Norway. One of the films has been translated into different languages.
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The film has subtitles in Norwegian, English and Ukrainian.

This film gives an insight into what you can expect when attending BreastScreen Norway.

The film shows how a typical screening examination is carried out in BreastScreen Norway, including a short conversation between the woman and a radiographer, and then how the mammogram itself is taken.

The aim of the film is to give a realistic impression of what happens during a screening mammogram, and to show that the communication between radiographer and woman is an important part of the examination.

Multiple languages

Version in English:

Wersja w języku polskim/Version in Polish:

Af somali/Version in Somali:

Other translated resources

Letters and other translated information material in BreastScreen Norway can be found here.

Film for radiographers: Mammography step by step

The Cancer Registry of Norway has made an information film for radiographers. The film shows how the radiographer can ensure good positioning techniques for mammography, for front and oblique images.

The film is a supplement to the Quality assurance manual for radiography (in Norwegian), and has been developed in collaboration with the expert group for radiography and the breast centres at Akershus university hospital and Nordland Hospital. It was produced with support from the Norwegian Radiographers' Association.