We hope you can fill out the questionnaire as soon as you have the opportunity. If you have already received processing when submitting the form, we will take this into account when analysing the data.
You don't have to answer every question. We still want to get the answers you want to give.
Yes, we hope you will fill out the form anyway. Your results can be followed over time if you choose to answer the questionnaires in rounds 2 and 3.
We link the information from the questionnaire with information about you that may be registered about you in the Cancer Registry, other statutory health registries such as the Norwegian Patient Registry, the Norwegian Prescription Database etc. and information from Statistics Norway.
Therefore, there is a lot of relevant information we do not need to ask you for, and it becomes less time consuming for you to fill out the questionnaire.
The invitation you received is not a message that you have cancer.
Both people without cancer and people who have been diagnosed with cancer are invited to our population-based surveys / research projects.
However, if you are in doubt, we recommend that you contact your doctor.
If you have received a copy of your submitted form in your Helsenorge inbox or in your digital mailbox (depending on where you received the invitation to the population/survey), you have submitted the form and thereby participated in the survey.
Your browser may not support the form. You can try opening the form in a different browser (the most common browsers are Microsoft Edge (what used to be called Explorer), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari).
Yes, if you received the invitation on Helsenorge.no, you can cache your form at any time. To do this, leave the subform you are in ("back to my forms" at the bottom of the subform), and then click "save form" at the bottom of the page you will then arrive at. You can then continue on the form when it suits you by following the link in the invitation in your Helsenorge inbox.