Electronic Notification Service

KREMT - The Cancer Registry's Electronic Notification Service - is a free, web-based reporting solution that is available to everyone connected to the Norwegian Health Network. KREMT is currently the solution most health institutions use for reporting clinical information to the Cancer Registry.
Last updated:

How do I access KREMT?

KREMT is located on the Norwegian Health Network;

To log in, you need a username and password. You get this from the Cancer Registry. Usernames and passwords are common to all users at each health institution, so please share the information with your colleagues.

In order to access some of the functions in the portal version, a login is also required via Difi's (Agency for Public Management and ICT)'s ID portal, e.g. using BankID for mobile or MinID.

Applications for access to these functions can be made directly from the KREMT portal. Select "Register new user" at login or when you are inside KREMT - then you will be sent to an application form.

NB: In the application form, we ask for, among other things, the name and email address of a person from your health enterprise who can confirm that you have an official need for the access you are applying for. It may be good to have this person ready before registration.

You will also find more information about the different accesses in the registration form itself.

What's in KREMT?

In the simple version, it is only possible to complete and submit clinical notification forms.

In the portal version, you also have access to cache of messages, lists of missing cancer reports (reminders), receipts for submitted messages, administrative statistics and clinical statistics.

You can find more information about this under functionality in KREMT.

Who decides the content of the messages?

It is clinicians in the reference groups for the various quality registries who, together with the Cancer Registry, determine the content of each reporting form. Information on the composition of these reference groups can be found under the clinical registries.

The notification forms shall contain the information necessary to quality assure the assessment, treatment and follow-up of cancer patients, and shall as far as possible reflect the National treatment guidelines for the various types of cancer.

How do I report a bug?

On the KREMT helpdesk page, we have gathered some information about common errors and problems in KREMT and how these can be solved.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem or this cannot be solved with the tips there, please contact our KREMT helpdesk directly - see information on the right side of the page.

How is KREMT further developed?

We are constantly working to improve KREMT. An overview of planned development can be found at further development in KREMT.

If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to send an email to one of the contact persons for general inquiries - see information on the right side of the page.

Why can't we report to the Cancer Registry of Norway directly from EMR?

Reporting to the Cancer Registry of Norway directly from EMR is the objective. Until now, this has been difficult to achieve with the EHR systems in use in the specialist and primary health services.

In order to establish a system for electronic reporting, the Cancer Registry of Norway has therefore chosen to develop a stand-alone solution that everyone has the opportunity to use.

However, the Cancer Registry of Norway cooperates with several actors to increase the reuse of information and reduce double reporting, and to integrate reporting to the Cancer Registry of Norway in the EPR.

More information about this can be found under Development projects - reporting.