Appeal against decisions/proceedings


Decisions to make information available from the Cancer Registry of Norway are individual decisions. The person to whom the decision is addressed may appeal the decision pursuant to the provisions of the Public Administration Act. The deadline for appeal is three weeks from receipt of the decision.

A written complaint must be sent to the Cancer Registry, Postboks 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo. The Cancer Registry of Norway will then reconsider the application. If the Cancer Registry of Norway does not reverse the decision, but maintains its conclusion, the case and the documents in the case will be forwarded to the Board of Appeal (Ministry of Health) for appeal processing. In connection with the submission, the Cancer Registry of Norway prepares a letter of transmittal to the Board of Appeal, of which a copy will be sent to the parties.

When the Board of Appeal has received the complaint and case documents from the Cancer Registry, the complainant, and any other parties to the case, will receive a confirmation from the Board of Appeal that the case has been received, and information about the expected processing time. At the same time, the Board of Appeal shall give the parties the opportunity to comment on the Cancer Registry's letter of transmittal. When the deadline for commenting on the Cancer Registry's letter of transmittal has expired, the Board of Appeal will prepare the case for consideration.

Consideration by the Board of Appeal

After the Board of Appeal has considered the case, the parties are sent the decision of the Board of Appeal. If the Board of Appeal reverses the Cancer Registry's decision in favour of the complainant, the complainant may, in accordance with the provisions of § 36 of the Public Administration Act, be awarded coverage for significant costs that have been necessary to amend the decision.

The decision of the Board of Appeal cannot be further appealed as an administrative appeal.