The Section for Analysis and Research

The Section for Analysis and Research at The Registry Department covers two important purposes for The Norwegian Cancer Registry; information and research.
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Together with the Data flow section, the section is responsible for producing all statistics for Cancer in Norway, the Norwegian Cancer Registry's annual report on patterns and trends of cancer in Norway. The section also produces statistics for the annual reports for the national clinical registries for cancer. These registries contribute to strengthening the quality of healthcare provided to cancer patients. 

In recent years, the section has started research projects on health and quality of life among cancer patients. In these projects, cancer patients are invited to answer questions about their perceived health and quality of life. The aim is to provide better knowledge on health-related quality among persons diagnosed with cancer, and adverse effects of treatment influencing functional outcomes.  

Key research areas

• Health and quality of life among cancer patients
Cancer patient pathways in Norway
Method development for cancer epidemiology, and new methods for communicating cancer statistics
• Social inequalities and unwanted differences in cancer investigation and treatment

Participation in national research projects

Development of non-communicable diseases and extent of multimorbidity – the NCDNOR project

Colon and rectal cancer in younger patients

Cardiovascular diseases after treatment for prostate cancer

Participation in international research projects on incidence and survival

We participate in several international collaborations which compare cancer incidence, mortality, prevalence and survival after cancer.

Cancer incidence, treatment and outcomes in Europe:

EUROCARE - Survival of cancer patients in Europe

European Registration of Cancer Care

International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP)

Cancer Survival Group

Cancer incidence, treatment and results in the Nordic countries:

Improved survival for cancer patients in a large Nordic comparison 


Solberg S, Nilssen Y, Terje Brustugun O, Magnus Haram P, Helland Å, Møller B, Strand TE, Gyrid Freim Wahl S, Fjellbirkeland L (2022) 
Concordance between clinical and pathology TNM-staging in lung cancer 
Lung Cancer, 171, 65-69 (in press) 
DOI 10.1016/j.lungcan.2022.07.014, PubMed 35926242 

Andersson TM, Rutherford MJ, Møller B, Lambert PC, Myklebust TA (2022) 
Reference adjusted loss in life expectancy for population-based cancer patient survival comparisons - with an application to colon cancer in Sweden 
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (in press) 
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-22-0137, PubMed 35700010 

Fosså SD, Dahl AA, Thorsen L, Hellesnes R, Kiserud CE, Tandstad T, Brydøy M, Haugnes HS, Myklebust TÅ (2022) 
Mortality and Second Cancer Incidence After Treatment for Testicular Cancer: Psychosocial Health and Lifestyle Are Modifiable Prognostic Factors 
J Clin Oncol, 40 (23), 2588-2599 
DOI 10.1200/JCO.21.02105, PubMed 35380874 

Hamfjord J, Myklebust TÅLarsen IK, Kure EH, Glimelius B, Guren TK, Tveit KM, Guren MG (2021) 
Survival Trends of Right- and Left-Sided Colon Cancer across Four Decades: A Norwegian Population-Based Study 
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 31 (2), 342-351 
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0555, PubMed 34853022 

Møller B, Jerm MB, Larønningen S, Johannesen TB, Seglem AH, Larsen IKMyklebust TÅ (2021) 
The validity of cancer information on death certificates in Norway and the impact of death certificate initiated cases on cancer incidence and survival 
Cancer Epidemiol, 75, 102023 
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2021.102023, PubMed 34560362 

Hellesnes R, Myklebust TÅ, Fosså SD, Bremnes RM, Karlsdottir Á, Kvammen Ø, Tandstad T, Wilsgaard T, Negaard HFS, Haugnes HS (2021) 
Testicular Cancer in the Cisplatin Era: Causes of Death and Mortality Rates in a Population-Based Cohort 
J Clin Oncol, 39 (32), 3561-3573 
DOI 10.1200/JCO.21.00637, PubMed 34388002 

Brustugun OT, Nilssen Y, Eide IJZ (2021) 
Epidemiology and outcome of peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma subtypes in Norway. A 20 year nation-wide study 
Acta Oncol, 60 (10), 1250-1256 
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1955971, PubMed 34313510 

Nilssen Y, Eriksen MT, Guren MG, Møller B (2021) 
Factors associated with emergency-onset diagnosis, time to treatment and type of treatment in colorectal cancer patients in Norway 
BMC Cancer, 21 (1), 757 
DOI 10.1186/s12885-021-08415-1, PubMed 34187404 

Johannesen TB, Smeland S, Aaserud S, Buanes EA, Skog A, Ursin G, Helland Å (2021) 
COVID-19 in Cancer Patients, Risk Factors for Disease and Adverse Outcome, a Population-Based Study From Norway 
Front Oncol, 11, 652535 
DOI 10.3389/fonc.2021.652535, PubMed 33842366 

Larønningen S, Skog A, Gulbrandsen J, Johannesen TBLarsen IK, Møller B, Ursin G (2021) 
Considerable decline in cancer diagnoses during the COVID-19 pandemic 
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 141 (4) 
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.21.0068, PubMed 33685115 

Johansson ALV, Trewin CB, Fredriksson I, Reinertsen KV, Russnes H, Ursin G (2021) 
In modern times, how important are breast cancer stage, grade and receptor subtype for survival: a population-based cohort study 
Breast Cancer Res, 23 (1), 17 
DOI 10.1186/s13058-021-01393-z, PubMed 33526044 

Hellesnes R, Myklebust TÅ, Bremnes RM, Karlsdottir Á, Kvammen Ø, Negaard HFS, Tandstad T, Wilsgaard T, Fosså SD, Haugnes HS (2020) 
Metachronous Contralateral Testicular Cancer in the Cisplatin Era: A Population-Based Cohort Study 
J Clin Oncol, 39 (4), 308-318 
DOI 10.1200/JCO.20.02713, PubMed 33356420 

Andersson TM, Rutherford MJ, Myklebust TÅMøller B, Soerjomataram I, Arnold M, Bray F, Parkin DM, Sasieni P, Bucher O, De P, Engholm G, Gavin A, Little A, Porter G, Ramanakumar AV, Saint-Jacques N, Walsh PM, Woods RR, Lambert PC (2020) 
Exploring the impact of cancer registry completeness on international cancer survival differences: a simulation study 
Br J Cancer, 124 (5), 1026-1032 
DOI 10.1038/s41416-020-01196-7, PubMed 33293692 

Hjerkind KV, Larsen IK, Aaserud S, Møller B, Ursin G (2020) 
Cancer incidence in non-immigrants and immigrants in Norway 
Acta Oncol, 59 (11), 1275-1283 
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1817549, PubMed 32930622 

Larsen IKMyklebust TÅ, Babigumira R, Vinberg E, Møller B, Ursin G (2020) 
Education, income and risk of cancer: results from a Norwegian registry-based study 
Acta Oncol, 59 (11), 1300-1307 
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1817548, PubMed 32924698 

Reigstad MM, Storeng R, Furu K, Bakken IJ, Engeland A, Larsen IK (2020) 
Validation of Assisted Reproductive Technology in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway Versus the Norwegian Prescription Database 
Epidemiology, 31 (5), 681-686 
DOI 10.1097/EDE.0000000000001228, PubMed 32639249 

Myklebust TÅ, Andersson T, Bardot A, Vernon S, Gavin A, Fitzpatrick D, Jerm MB, Rutherford M, Parkin DM, Sasieni P, Arnold M, Soerjomataram I, Bray F, Lambert PC, Møller B (2020) 
Can different definitions of date of cancer incidence explain observed international variation in cancer survival? An ICBP SURVMARK-2 study 
Cancer Epidemiol, 67, 101759 
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2020.101759, PubMed 32544801 

Trewin CB, Johansson ALV, Hjerkind KV, Strand BH, Kiserud CE, Ursin G (2020) 
Stage-specific survival has improved for young breast cancer patients since 2000: but not equally 
Breast Cancer Res Treat, 182 (2), 477-489 
DOI 10.1007/s10549-020-05698-z, PubMed 32495000 

Araghi M, Arnold M, Rutherford MJ, Guren MG, Cabasag CJ, Bardot A, Ferlay J, Tervonen H, Shack L, Woods RR, Saint-Jacques N, De P, McClure C, Engholm G, Gavin AT, Morgan E, Walsh PM, Jackson C, Porter G, Møller B, Bucher O, Eden M, O'Connell DL, Bray F, Soerjomataram I (2020) 
Colon and rectal cancer survival in seven high-income countries 2010-2014: variation by age and stage at diagnosis (the ICBP SURVMARK-2 project) 
Gut, 70 (1), 114-126 
DOI 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320625, PubMed 32482683 

Nilssen Y, Brustugun OT, Eriksen MT, Haug ES, Naume B, Møller B (2020) 
Patient and tumour characteristics associated with inclusion in Cancer patient pathways in Norway in 2015-2016 
BMC Cancer, 20 (1), 488 
DOI 10.1186/s12885-020-06979-y, PubMed 32473650 

Larsen IK, Småstuen M, Johannesen TB, Langmark F, Parkin DM, Bray F, Møller B (2008) 
Data quality at the Cancer Registry of Norway: an overview of comparability, completeness, validity and timeliness 
Eur J Cancer, 45 (7), 1218-1231 
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2008.10.037, PubMed 19091545