RNA forum
We will invite you to informal meetings approximately 4 times a year. Each meeting will include 1-2 presentations followed by a discussion. A mailing list has been created with the purpose of sharing information about topics and dates for the meetings.
If you are interested in participating, please send your email address to Trine.Rounge@kreftregisteret.no or Katarina.Baumgarten.Skogstrom@kreftregisteret.no and your name will be put on the mailing list. Also feel free to circulate to anyone else you think could be interested.
Directions to the Cancer Registry:
The Cancer Registry is located at the Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park, close to the Radium hospital, and in the same building as Ullern High School. Use entrance 2A, walk straight until you get an entrance to a stair-well on your right marked with yellow. Go up to the 4th floor, register at the reception and someone will come and meet you.
Ullernschaussen 64
0379 Oslo
Click on map for detail
Previous events:
15th of October
Prof. Dr. Justo Lorenzo Bermejo, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University Hospital Heidelberg, presented “Small RNAs for gallbladder cancer prevention: Objectives and initial results from European-Latin American collaborative research”.
12th of March
Kevin Elias, MD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, presented his work with miRNA as early biomarkers of ovarian cancer.
13th of November
Presentation by Bastian Fromm, Stockholm University, "Accurate microRNA annotation using covariance models based on manually curated databases in MirMachine"
12th of June
The first meeting of 2020 was held on Zoom. Presentation by Sinan Ugür Umu, Cancer Registry, “Serum RNA levels signal lung carcinogenesis in prediagnostic patients”.
11th of december
Presentation by Rune Andreassen, oslomet, "Salmon, miRNA and associations to viral-driven diseases" and Eirik Høye, OUS, "A comprehensive miRNA signature of primary and metastatic colorectal cancer".
7th of June
Presentation by Jaime Abraham Castro Mondragòn. "Combining transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation to predict somatic mutations altering the miRNA regulatory program in cancer cells"
08th of March
Presentation by Fatima Heinicke "Which miRNA library preparation kit should I use in my future experiments? A systematic comparison for low-input miRNA samples".
19th of November
The last forum of 2018 and we were so lucky to have Prof. Andreas Keller and Prof. Eckart Meese from Saarland University giving the presentation"Exploring the true nature of small non-coding RNAs: bioinformatics & human genetics".
Prof. Andreas Keller
15th of June
Cancer Registry, 4th floor
We had two presentations at this meeting. First presentation by Evita Lindholm
"The Neoadjuvant Avastin in Breast Cancer (NeoAva) Study: Molecular responses at the miRNA level"
and the second presentation by Ann-Rita Halvorsen "Circulating microRNAs; challenges and opportunities"
09th of March
Cancer Registry, 4th floor
Presentation by Jamie Abraham Castro Mondragón
"Prioritizing cancer driver mutations in miRNA genes"
and presentation by Sinan Ugur Umu "Avoidance of crosstalk RNA interactions in prokaryotes"
15th of December
Cancer Registry, 4th floor
Presentation by Miriam Ragle Aure
"Integrated analyses to assess the role of miRNAs in breast cancer"
15th of September
Cancer Registry, 4th floor
Presentation by Trine Rounge
"What can modify small non-coding RNA expression in healthy humans?"
16th of June
Cancer Registry, 4th floor
Presentation by Bastian Fromm
"Ten simple rules for the annotation of microRNAs"
24th of March
Cancer Registry
Startup meeting