Penile cancer

This project aims to describe incidence, mortality and survival trends of penile cancer in Norway, using de-identified data from a 60-year period.

Published: 07.11.2017, updated: 05.01.2018


Associated with HPV-infection

Penile cancer is a rare disease, reported to occur at rates around 1 per 100,000 men in several Western countries. Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) account for the vast majority of penile cancer cases, and this cancer mostly affects older men.

There are several risk factors for penile cancer, including sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Approximately half of the cancer cases are HPV positive.


Incidence, mortality and survival

We examine penile SCC incidence, mortality and survival trends in Norway from 1956 to 2016. We focus om SCC because it is associated with HPV and thus represent a group of cancers that may be increasing worldwide, and that may have the potential to be prevented by vaccination against HPV.

We also describe characteristics of all primary cases of malignant penile cancer diagnosed in Norway during this 60-year period.

This study uses de-identified data from the Cancer Registry of Norway.



The project has recently been finalized.



Hansen BT, Orumaa M, Lie AK, et al.

Trends in incidence, mortality and survival of penile squamous cell carcinoma in Norway 1956-2015.

Int J Cancer (2017)


Project affiliations

Cancer Registry of Norway

Bo Terning Hansen, Madleen Orumaa and Mari Nygård.


External affiliates

Radiumhospitalet: Bjørn Brennhovd

Sykehuset Østfold: Agnes Kathrine Lie