Survey among offshore workers

The survey has now concluded. We thank everyone who took the time to fill out the questionnaire.
Last updated:

During spring 2023, the Cancer Registry of Norway has invited offshore workers to participate in a survey on working environment and health.

The link will direct you to the questionnaire solution “Nettskjema”. Nettskjema has been developed by the University of Oslo and satisfies the national security criteria for research. Nettskjema is used by several institutions, including the Cancer Registry of Norway. Login with Bank-ID is used for safe identification.

The quality of the research rests on the number of participants. Participation is wanted from all offshore workers who have worked on Norwegian platforms, both contractor and operator employees, current employees and formerly employed, and those with long and short employment periods. The only requirement for participation is that you have an 11-digit national identity number and Bank-ID. This is necessary for signing the consent and for linkage to health registries.

The questionnaire contains questions about occupational history, working environment, and lifestyle factors. The survey will take around 25 minutes and can be completed on a computer, phone, or tablet. We ask you to complete the survey in one go.

Thank you for your participation!


Privacy, rights, and ethical matters

The survey has been assessed and approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REC)  (REC, Project No.: 136984). The project group has conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) in consultation with the Privacy Ombudsman at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The survey is voluntary and based on consent. The participants sign the consent declaration electronically using Bank-ID. By consenting to participate in this project, you agree that we may use your questionnaire data to conduct research on cancer and later other health outcomes among offshore workers. Any subsequent studies will have to be approved by REC and the Privacy Ombudsman.

You can withdraw your consent any time, without giving a reason. If you withdraw your consent, no further research will be conducted on your data. You can also request deletion of your questionnaire data. Such deletion cannot be performed if the information is anonymized or included in analyses which have already been performed.

All participants have the right to access the information that is registered and the right to have any errors in the registered information corrected. You also have the right to access information about the security measures implemented when processing the information. You can issue a complaint about the processing of your information to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority and to the Privacy Ombudsman at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health-Cancer Registry of Norway. More information about the procedure for complaints can be found here. To ensure the possibility for data control and inspection, the information about you will be stored for five years after the end of the project.

The information about the individual collected for the purpose is sensitive information that is subject to a duty of confidentiality. The data will be processed in accordance with the information security requirements enshrined in the legislation and will only be made available for health-related research that has a legal basis and necessary prior approval from REK. The 11-digit Norwegian national identity number is replaced with a code number that accompanies your data. The linkage key between the code number and the national identity number is stored encrypted and inaccessible and is inaccessible to the researchers involved in the project. The Cancer Registry of Norway has many decades of experience with responsible data handling, and the encrypted linkage key is stored at the Data Flow section at the Cancer Registry of Norway in a database without a network connection. When the research results are to be published and disseminated, the results will be presented at a group level, so that individuals cannot be identified.



The Cancer Registry of Norway is a nationwide research institution organized under the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

The Cancer Registry of Norway is the research institution responsible for the project and responsible for the processing of data in the survey.

If you have questions about the project, you can contact us at:

N.B. Do not send sensitive information such as diagnoses or national identity numbers by e-mail.

If you have questions related to privacy protection measures in the project, you can contact the Privacy Ombudsman at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health: