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Peer-reviewd articles

Leon Alexander Mclaren Berge, Nita Kaupang Shala, Francesco Barone-Adesi, H Dean Hosgood, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Magne Bråtveit, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Debra Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Ronnie Babigumira, Tom K Grimsrud, Marit B Veierød, Jo S Stenehjem. Exposure to fibres and risk of pleural mesothelioma in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers cohort. Occup Environ Med. 2024 Aug 16. PMID: 38955483

Ronnie Babigumira, Marit B Veierød, H Dean Hosgood, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Magne Bråtveit, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Nathaniel Rothman, Qing Lan, Debra T Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Nita Kaupang Shala, Tom K Grimsrud, Jo Steinson Stenehjem. Benzene exposure and risk of lung cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Worker cohort: a prospective case-cohort study. Occup Environ Med. 2023 Dec 28. PMID: 38154914

Nita K Shala, Jo S Stenehjem, Ronnie Babigumira, Fei-Chih Liu, Leon A M Berge, Debra T Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Nathaniel Rothman, Qing Lan, H Dean Hosgood, Sven O Samuelsen, Magne Bråtveit, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Bettina K Andreassen, Marit B Veierød, Tom K Grimsrud. Exposure to benzene and other hydrocarbons and risk of bladder cancer among male offshore petroleum workers. Br J Cancer. 2023 Jul 18. PMID: 37464024

Leon A M Berge, Fei-Chih Liu, Tom K Grimsrud, Ronnie Babigumira, Nathalie C Støer, Kristina Kjærheim, Trude E Robsahm, Reza Ghiasvand, H Dean Hosgood, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Debra T Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Nita K Shala, Marit B Veierød, Jo S Stenehjem. Night shift work and risk of aggressive prostate cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Aug 2;52(4):1003-1014. PMID: 36548214

Fei-Chih Liu, Tom K Grimsrud, Marit B Veierød, Trude E Robsahm, Reza Ghiasvand, Ronnie Babigumira, Nita K Shala, Jo S Stenehjem. Ultraviolet radiation and risk of cutaneous melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma in males and females in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers cohort. Am J Ind Med. 2021 Jun;64(6):496-510. PMID: 33682179

Fei-Chih Liu, Marit B Veierød, Kristina Kjærheim, Trude E Robsahm, Reza Ghiasvand, Ronnie Babigumira, Nita K Shala, Leon A M Berge, Giske Ursin, Tom K Grimsrud, Jo S Stenehjem. Excess risk of male breast cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort: a possible link to extreme night shift work? Breast Cancer Res. 2021 Nov 18;23(1):106. PMID: 34794511

Fei Chih Liu, Marit Bragelien Veierød, Kristina Kjærheim, Trude Eid Robsahm, Reza Ghiasvand, H Dean Hosgood, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Magne Bråtveit, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Nathaniel Rothman, Qing Lan, Debra T Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Ronnie Babigumira, Nita Shala, Tom K Grimsrud, Jo Steinson Stenehjem. Night shift work, chemical coexposures and risk of female breast cancer in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) cohort: a prospectively recruited case-cohort study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 24;12(1):e056396. PMID: 35074823

Jo S Stenehjem, Ronnie Babigumira, H Dean Hosgood, Marit B Veierød, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Magne Bråtveit, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Nathaniel Rothman, Qing Lan, Debra T Silverman, Melissa C Friesen, Trude E Robsahm, Kristina Kjærheim, Bettina K Andreassen, Nita K Shala, Fei-Chih Liu, Leif-Åge Strand, Tom K Grimsrud. Cohort Profile: Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers (NOPW) Cohort. Int J Epidemiol., 2021 May 17;50(2):398-399. PMID: 32879941

Jo Steinson Stenehjem, Ronnie Babigumira, Melissa C Friesen, Tom Kristian Grimsrud. Harmonizing work history data in epidemiologic studies with overlapping employment records. Am J Ind Med. 2019 May;62(5):422-429. PMID: 30919995

J S Stenehjem, T E Robsahm, M Bråtveit, S O Samuelsen, J Kirkeleit, T K Grimsrud. Ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer risk in offshore workers. Occup Med (Lond). 2017 Oct 1;67(7):569-573. PMID: 2904859

Jo Steinson Stenehjem, Trude Eid Robsahm, Magne Bråtveit, Sven Ove Samuelsen, Jorunn Kirkeleit, Tom Kristian Grimsrud. Aromatic hydrocarbons and risk of skin cancer by anatomical site in 25 000 male offshore petroleum workers. Am J Ind Med. 2017 Aug;60(8):679-688. PMID: 28692192

Jo S Stenehjem, Melissa C Friesen, Tone Eggen, Kristina Kjærheim, Magne Bråtveit, Tom K Grimsrud. Self-reported Occupational Exposures Relevant for Cancer among 28,000 Offshore Oil Industry Workers Employed between 1965 and 1999. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2015;12(7):458-68. PMID: 5671393

J S Stenehjem, K Kjærheim, M Bråtveit, S O Samuelsen, F Barone-Adesi, N Rothman, Q Lan, T K Grimsrud. Benzene exposure and risk of lymphohaematopoietic cancers in 25 000 offshore oil industry workers. Br J Cancer. 2015 Apr 28;112(9):1603-12. PMID: 25867262

J S Stenehjem, K. Kjærheim, K. S. Rabanal, T. K. Grimsrud. Cancer incidence among 41 000 offshore oil industry workers. Occupational Medicine, 2014 Oct; 64(7):539–545,

Gjøril Bergva Aas, Bjarte Aagnes, Leif Age Strand, Tom K Grimsrud. Suggested excess of occupational cancers in Norwegian offshore workers: preliminary results from the Cancer Registry Offshore Cohort. Scand J Work Environ Health, 2009 Oct;35(5):397. PMID: 19554245


Other reports and publications: 

Liu FC (2022). Ultraviolet exposure and night shift work in relation to risk of
skin, breast and prostate cancer in offshore petroleum workers. PhD thesis. Kreftregisteret, Universitetet i Oslo

Stenehjem & Grimsrud (2015). Benzeneksponering og risiko for lymfohematologisk kreft. Best Practice Juni 2015.

Stenehjem J (2014). Cancer incidence and occupational exposure in offshore oil industry workers. PhD thesis. Kreftregisteret, Universitetet i Oslo.

Stenehjem and Grimsrud (2012). Prosjekt kjemisk arbeidsmiljø i olje- og gassindustrien. Yrkeshygienikeren

Aas. GB, Strand LÅ & Grimsrud (2007). Kartlegging av kreftrisiko og årsaksspesifikk dødelighet blant ansatte i norsk offshorevirksomhet - Utdanning og yrkesaktivitet utenfor offshore. Oslo: Kreftregisteret

Aas GB, Strand LÅ & Grimsrud TK (2007). Kartlegging av kreftrisiko og årsaksspesifikk dødelighet blant ansatte i norsk offshorevirksomhet - Foreløpig vurdering av kreftforekomst ogskisse for fremtidige studier. Oslo: Kreftregisteret.

Strand LÅ, Andersen A (2001). Kartlegging av kreftrisiko og årsaksspesifikk dødelighet blant ansatte i norsk offshorevirksomhet. Forskningsrapport nr. 1 – 2001. Oslo: Kreftregisteret.