The Cancer Registry of Norway's study of working environment and health among offshore workers
The study collects data in in two steps:
Step 1: Reception and use of register data from the nine oil companies
Step 2: Survey sent directly to the offshore workers.
Privacy, rights, and ethical matters
The purpose of the study is pre-approved by the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REC, project no.: 136984). The project group has conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) in consultation with the Privacy Ombudsman at Oslo University Hospital, in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More information about privacy, rights and ethical issues for the two steps of data collection can be found in the links below.
The reception of register data (step 1) is completed and more information can be found here.
The survey (step 2) has now concluded. We thank everyone who took the time to fill out the questionnaire. More information can be found here.