Using the OMOP datamodel
We want to be a part of this development, and the Cancer Registry has initiated and received funding to standardize the registry's data to the OMOP - Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership data model.
OMOP has been developed through an international project that works to standardize data into a common format. This makes it easier for data to be used for collaboration, large-scale analyses, and sharing of sophisticated tools and methods. Variations in the format of health data make it challenging to collaborate across organizations and nations. With a common data model, the basis for sharing is improved. The model is based on established code systems and assigns variables and structure to the OMOP model. Such a generic data model supports standardized analyses and sharing of analysis scripts across research networks. A key concept is that the data remains locally stored, and only statistics/aggregated data leave the Cancer Registry.
In the future, we hope to make data available based on this data model.
The figure provides an overview of which of the Cancer Registry's data has been mapped or is planned to be mapped to OMOP. All core variables have been mapped to the data model, and selected variables from the quality registries will be mapped in specific projects (SACT = Systemic anti-cancer treatment, PROs = Patient reported outcomes, dx = Diagnosis, Clinical registry = quality registries).
On-going OMOP-projects:
FLORENCE: føderert læring på kreftdata
Finished OMOP-prosjekter:
AI-løsning til bruk ved kreftoperasjoner under EU-programmet Interreg ØKS