
INSPIRE:lung cancer

INSPIRE:lung cancer was the first INSPIRE project and established data collection on drug cancer treatment from the health trusts to the Cancer Registry of Norway. The report from INSPIRE:lung cancer showed for the first time what drug treatment lung cancer patients receive in Norway. From April 2021, the Quality Registry for Lung Cancer follows up medical treatment of lung cancer in its annual reports.

The pilot project that exceeded expectations

INSPIRE was initiated as a pilot project in 2019 to try to obtain data on drug cancer treatment from selected hospitals, to the Cancer Registry. Two years later, the Cancer Registry of Norway had received data on medical cancer treatment from the entire South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, the Western Norway Regional Health Authority and the Central Norway Regional Health Authority, from several hospitals as far back in time as 2008. It was crucial that the project received support from the regional medical directors, professional communities, cancer patients and others to make this happen. The project has had a good dialogue with the health trusts and ICT organisations along the way. They have accepted and implemented the solution for data capture and transfer in a relatively short time, because there is mutual agreement that this is important.

Private - public - voluntary cooperation

INSPIRE:lung cancer was a collaboration between 12 pharmaceutical companies (see list on the right), the Norwegian Cancer Society, Invent2, LMI, the regional health authorities and the Cancer Registry.  


INSPIRE:lung cancer resulted in drug cancer treatment now being reported to the Cancer Registry. The project also resulted in analyses and an overview of drug lung cancer treatment being published for the first time (link to the report to the right). Below are links to the launch webinar and a webinar hosted by EHiN.

Webinar 07.04.2021: Launch of the report from INSPIRE:lung cancer

Webinar 09.04.2021: INSPIRE and the great hunt for health data