NORDCAN- A Source of Nordic Cancer Statistics

The Cancer Registry of Norway delivers data to NORDCAN, a collaboration project between all the Nordic cancer registries. On the NORDCAN website you can find information on cancer incidence, mortality, prevalence (number of persons alive with a cancer diagnosis) and survival for 41 of the largest groups of cancer in the Nordic countries.
NB! This page is older than 10 years. The information could be out of date.

The Cancer Registry of Norway delivers data to NORDCAN, a collaboration project between all the Nordic cancer registries. On the NORDCAN website you can find information on cancer incidence, mortality, prevalence (number of persons alive with a cancer diagnosis) and survival for 41 of the largest groups of cancer in the Nordic countries.

NORDCAN was established by ANCR, the Nordic cooperation of cancer registries, in the year 2000. The goal was to give access to collected Nordic cancer statistics based on each country’s national cancer statistics.

The Numbers from NORDCAN are delivered from all the cancer registries in an adjusted format to enable use in comparative research, for example on survival. This can be found on the project’s home page and is an open service for everyone. A web-based program gives access to concise data enabling production of graphs and tables.  Regional data for up to six regions for each country is included for incidence, mortality and prevalence.

The high data quality of the Nordic cancer registries are, thanks to the enthusiastic researchers and co-workers participating in the project, a unique source of knowledge about cancer in a region with around 25 million inhabitants.