About the Cancer Registry of Norway
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About the Cancer Registry of Norway
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The Registries
Data and statistics
Statistics online
Clinical registries
The Advisory board of the Clinical Registers
Norwegian Bladder and Urothelial Cancer Registry
Degree of coverage and completeness
The Bladder Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Quality indicators
Norwegian Breast Cancer Registry
Degree of coverage and data quality for the Breast Cancer Registry of Norway
Quality indicators for the Breast Cancer Registry of Norway
The Breast Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Resultater fra Brystkreftregisteret
Norwegian Childhood Cancer Registry
Degree of coverage and data quality in the Childhood Cancer Registry of Norway
Quality indicators for the Childhood Cancer Registry
The Norwegian Childhood Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Resultater fra barnekreftregisteret
Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry
Quality indicators for the Colorectal Cancer Registry
The Colorectal Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Resultater fra Tykk- og endetarmskreftregisteret
Degree of coverage and data quality in the Colorectal Cancer Registry
Norwegian Gynecological Cancer Registry
Coverage and data quality for the Gynecological Cancer Registry
Quality indicators for the Gynecological Cancer Registry
Gynecological Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Resultater fra Gynekologisk kreftregister
Norwegian Lung Cancer Registry
Coverage and data quality for the Lung Cancer Registry
Quality indicators for the Lung Cancer Registry of Norway
The Lung Cancer Registry's Advisory board
Findings from the Lung Cancer Registry of Norway
Norwegian Melanoma Registry
Melanoma coverage and data quality
Quality indicators for the Melanoma Registry
The Melanoma Registry's Advisory board
Resultater fra Melanomregisteret
Norwegian Pancreatic Cancer Registry
The Advisory board of the Pancreatic Cancer Registry
Degree of coverage and data quality
Quality indicators
Norwegian Prostate Cancer Registry
Quality indicators for the Prostate Cancer Registry
The Prostate Cancer Registry's advisory board
Resultater fra prostatakreftregisteret
Coverage and data quality in the Prostate Cancer Registry
Norwegian Registry of Brain and Spinal cord tumours
The Norwegian registry of brain and spinal tumours Advisory board
Resultater fra Kvalitetsregister for hjerne- og ryggmargssvulster
Degree of coverage and data quality
Quality indicators for the Registry of brain and spinal cord tumours
Norwegian Registry of Lymphoid Malignancies
Degree of coverage and data quality for the Norwegian Registry for Lymphoid Malignancies
Quality indicators for the Norwegian Registry for Lymphoid Malignancies
Advisory board of the National Registry of Lymphoid Malignancies
Resultater fra Register for lymfoide maligniteter
Norwegian Sarcoma Cancer Registry
Advisory board
Degree of coverage and data quality
Quality indicators for the Sarcoma Registry
Electronic Notification Service
Notifiable diagnoses
Functionality in KREMT
Further development in KREMT
KREMT helpdesk
Contact persons - reminders
Development projects - reporting
Notification form for paper reporting
Reporting - pathology
Data Delivery Unit
Contents of database
Molekylære markører
Billing procedures
Reversal of reported data
Appeal against decisions/proceedings
Departments and reseachers
Section for Molecular Epidemiology and Infections
The Section for Analysis and Research
Section for administration and research support
Section for Epidemiology and Prevention
Artificial intelligence in BreastScreen Norway - a randomized controlled trial
Asbestoscement and cancer risk
Completed projects
Hva vil undersøkelsen omfatte?
Hva skal gjøres i prosjektet, og er det laget en tidsplan?
Vil det bli gjort medisinske undersøkelser på de som ikke har konstatert kreft i dag, naboer eller tidligere raffineriansatte?
Hva bør man gjøre dersom man er bekymret for helsen (kreftrisiko)?
Hvorfor er personer som ikke er naboer eller tidligere raffineriansatte, men som har eller har hatt arbeidsplass i nærheten av raffineriet, ikke med i undersøkelsen?
Er sektorene for dominerende vindretninger og antatt nedslagsfelt, slik de har vært presentert i media riktig?
Vil undersøkelsen kun basere seg på tall og statistisk materiale?
Kommer naboer til å bli invitert til å delta i undersøkelsen, f.eks. ved intervju? Når vil det i så fall skje?
Hvem sitter i ressursgruppa?
Ser man i denne undersøkelsen etter alle, eller spesifikke krefttyper, og i så fall hvilke krefttyper ser man etter?
Hvilke krefttyper er dette (se spørsmål over)?
Hvordan kan man skille mellom kreft pga arv, gener, livsstil og annen eksponering, og kreft pga raffineriet?
Hvilke konklusjoner har man fra andre undersøkelser knyttet til sammenhengen mellom kreft og raffineri-virksomhet?
Nordpred software package
Status per 31. oktober 2008
Ofte stilte spørsmål
Behandling av muskelinfiltrerende blærekreft
Information for participants in the project "Cancer risk among nurses"
AI solution for use in cancer operations under the EU program Interreg ØKS
Cancer patient pathways in Norway
How likely are benign breast disease and premalignant lesions to progress to invasive breast cancer?
Breast compression in BreastScreen Norway
Sola-prosjektet (Fullført 2009)
miRNA signaturer i pasienter med kreft i tykktarm, bryst og lunge
Social inequality and HPV vaccination
SVEIP: Effect of School based HPV-vaccination in the population
Does Gardasil cause birth defects?
Nordpred: Prediction of cancer incidence in the Nordic countries up to the year 2020
What prevents women from taking cervical pap smear?
Improving the mass screening for cervical cancer
Fight HPV and Cervical Cancer
Why do some precancerous lesions develop into cervical cancer?
Cancer risk of preinvasive adenocarcinoma
Course of disease in bladder cancer patients
Cancer and pregnancy
Vitamin D, obesity and cutaneous malignant melanoma
Penile cancer
Cancer risk among nurses
Overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis in BreastScreen Norway
Tomosynthesis – the future screening tool for breast cancer?
BADDI: Artificial intelligence in screening with standard mammography and tomosynthesis
The impact of obesity and circulating small RNA in the development of endometrial cancer
Biomarkers for HPV-related cancers
COVID-19 and cancer in the Nordic countries
CT examination of children and the risk of cancer (EPI-CT)
Effects of HPV vaccination in Norway
Effects of HPV-vaccination in Norway
Finansiering og samarbeid
Effects of HPV vaccination in Norway
Meet the research group
Participant information
EQUALSCREEN – Increased attendance and reduced inequity in cervical cancer screening
EULAT Eradicate Gallbladder Cancer
Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in BreastScreen Norway
Prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) among the population
Research on environmental toxins and cancer
Patient reported outcomes after treatment for colorectal cancer – A prospective nationwide study from The Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry
Physical activity, fitness and cancer
Gene activity in testicular cancer
Self-collected specimens in the fight against cervical cancer
Brain tumor among children and adolescents
Cardiac catheterization of children with congenital heart defects
Sequencing HPV for biomarker discovery
Intra-patient HPV genetic variation
HPV vaccination and screening among women born 1975-1996
How quickly do breast cancers grow?
Innovative commitment to action against cancer (iPAAC)
INSPIRE - information about drug cancer treatment
INSPIRE:lung cancer
INSPIRE: Breast cancer
Publications from INSPIRE
INSPIRE:kidney cancer
Effectiveness of tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening
JanusRNA - identification of early cancer biomarkers
Biomarkers of Cancer: Biocomputional analysis of data from population-based biobanks and health registries
Background and aim
Access to data
Results and publications
Project group
Collaborators and funding
Can we apply new methods to better follow up HPV-positive women?
Development of AI algorithms in BreastScreen Norway
Cost and treatment for patients with lung cancer
Cancer among Norwegian offshore workers
Receivement and use of register data from the oil companies
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Chemical exposure, night shift work and cancer risk among Norwegian offshore workers
Exposure-related risks of cancer in petroleum workers
Cancer risk after benzene exposure
Cohorts of offshore workers
Common problems when logging in and signing the consent
Academic collaborators
Financial research support
Exposure assessment and prevention of death, disease and injuries among offshoreworkers
Survey among offshore workers
Background and aim
Employees in the offshore group
Projects of the offshore group
Research dissemination
Collaborators and financial research support
Cancer risk among agricultural workers
Firefighters and cancer
Annual meeting with the professional reference group
Lanseringsseminar 18. mars 2025: Rapport over Kreftrisiko blant Brannmenn
Women's lifestyle and health - research on lifestyle, viruses and cancer
Long-term effects following treatment of screen-detected versus symptomatic breast cancer
Largyngeal Papillomatosis / Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP)
Background and objective
Bli kjent med prosjektgruppen
Finansiering og samarbeid
Background and objective
Participant information
Meet the research group
Financing and collaborations
Drug use and cancer
Medications and Cancer
Mapping of drugs and cancer
Prescription drugs and cutaneous melanoma
Lifestyle changes and future health
LTFU: Long-term follow up of subjects participating in the clinical trials of the HPV-vaccine
Blodprøvetaking i "Utvidet langtidsoppfølging av deltakere i studien med vaksine mot livmorhalskreft" LTFU studien
LTFU V501: Extended Long-Term Follow-Up of Women Participating in the Cervical Cancer Vaccine Study (FUTURE II)
LTFU V503: Long-Term Follow-Up of Women Participating in the Phase III Clinical Trial with the 9-valent HPV Vaccine
Media and dissemination
Participant information V501
Participant information V503
Long-Term Follow-Up (LTFU) of Nordic Women Participating in Early Studies of Cervical Cancer Vaccines
Research projects
Participant information
Research group
Financing and collaborations
Research dissemination
miRPOC - miRNA as biomarkers in early detection and personalized treatment in ovarian cancer
Environment, occupation and cancer seminar
Nickel, cobalt, and respiratory cancer
A randomized study on colorectal cancer screening (NORCCAP)
NORCCAP - Ph.D theses
NORCCAP - publications
Rådgivingsgruppe NORCCAP-biobank
New cancer treatment and survival
Immunotherapy and targeted therapy of advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma
New cancer treatment and survival: prostate cancer
Ny kreftbehandling og overlevelse: føflekkreft
Ny kreftbehandling og overlevelse: brystkreft
Using the OMOP data model
FLORENCE: Federated Learning on Cancer Data
FLORENCE: føderert læring på kreftdata
Andre OMOP prosjekter
Other OMOP projects
Using the OMOP datamodel
Research projects
OMOP EHDEN project: CRN maps its core variables to OMOP CDM
Use of the OMOP data model
Per- og Polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS)
"Forever chemicals" (PFAS) and cancer
Finansiering og samarbeidspartnere
Formidling og publikasjoner
"Forever chemicals" (PFAS) and cancer
Financing and collaborations
PERMS-0: Pilot project for personalized mammographic screening in Norway
Personalised cervical cancer screening
Personalizing colorectal cancer screening by lifestyle
Regional differences in cervical cancer in Norway
Prescribed drugs and cutaneous melanoma
SARS-CoV-2 in cancer patients
Stress management after breast cancer (SEB)
For deltakere: Stressmestring etter brystkreft
Spørsmål og svar
The microbiome as a colorectal cancer screening biomarker (CRCbiome)
Sammenheng mellom bearbeidet mat og tarmkreft
Mikrobiella biomarkører - NORCCAP
Deltakerinformasjon CRCbiome
CRCbiome epigenome
Testicular cancer and heredity
Early vaccination effect: genital wart trends in Norway
Impact of vitamin D and obesity on bladder cancer; Risk and survival
Vitamin D and cancer prognosis
OriOn Joint Action
Scientific publications
List of publications 2016
Under 30 forfattere
Over 30 forfattere
List of publications 2015
List of publications 2014
List of publications 2013
List of publications 2012
List of publications 2011
List of publications 2010
List of publications 2009
List of Publications 2008
Published articles 2017
Published articles 2018
Published articles 2019
first and/or last author
All published articles
Published articles 2020
All published articles
First and/or last author
Published articles 2021
Published articles 2022
Published articles 2023
Published articles 2024
Janus Serum Bank
About Janus serum bank
Articles of association
For participants
For researchers
The Janus material
Research activities
Published articles
About the Screening Programmes
BreastScreen Norway
Breast Cancer Screening Programme
Helseforetak i Mammografiprogrammet
Faggrupper i Mammografiprogrammet
The screening mammogram
Benefits and harms
Diskusjon om nytteverdi
Om beregninger for brystkreftdødelighet og overdiagnostikk
More information about advantages and disadvantages of breast cancer screening
Information resources in BreastScreen Norway
Breast centres
Information in Polish
Information in Urdu
Information in English
Information in Arabic
Information in Somali
Northern Sami
Why the age group 50-69 years?
Research in BreastScreen Norway
Q-2006: Epidemiological questionnaire in BreastScreen Norway
Quality assurance and quality improvement
BERM: Bedre Radiografi i Mammografiprogrammet
Film: How mammography takes place
Cervical Cancer Screening in Norway
Self-sampling in Cervical Screen Norway
Slik tar du en HPV hjemmetest
HPV self-sampling via General Practitioners
Frequently asked questions
Kolposkopi og konisering
HPV self-sampling: Frequently asked questions
HPV-test og livmorhalsprøve for transmenn og ikke-binære med livmorhals
HPV Vaccine
How to take the cervical smear test
How often should I take a cervical test?
Hva er livmorhalskreft?
Informasjon om celleforandringer
The PAP test
Benefits and harms of screening
Primary HPV test - now also for women under 34
Information for women about HPV test in CervicalScreen Norway
I'm HPV positive - now what?
Status for implementering av HPV-test
Nå kan Livmorhalsprogrammet dele prøvehistorikk
Cervical Cancer Screening Programme
Information in Somali
Information in Urdu
Information in Polish
English translations
Informasjon in Ukrainian
Informasjon på arabisk
ColorectalScreen Norway
Invited to screening?
What is screening?
Pros and cons
When will the screening program be available for you?
Cancer prevention
What is Colorectal cancer ?
Research projects
Test på usynlig blod i avføringen
Research projects
Advantages and disadvantages of screening
Who is invited?
Two different tests
Information in the program
Invitasjon til å delta i spørreundersøkelse
Invitasjon til å delta i spørreundersøkelse
Vacant positions
Data and statistics
Cancer in Norway
Key figures on cancer
Cancer types
About the Cancer Registry of Norway
Toggle navigation
The Registries
Data and statistics
Clinical registries
Data Delivery Unit
Departments and reseachers
Scientific publications
Janus Serum Bank
About the national screening programmes
BreastScreen Norway
CervicalScreen Norway
ColorectalScreen Norway
Data and statistics
Key figures on cancer
Vacant positions
Cancer in Norway
Cancer types
About the Cancer Registry of Norway
About the Cancer Registry of Norway
About the Cancer Registry of Norway
About the Cancer Registry of Norway
Information work
Strategic advisory council
Declaration of Service
Vacant positions
Information work
Public journal
Contact information
Industry cooperation
Organizational chart
ÅÅÅ Tidligere ansatte
Steinar Tretli, PhD
Steinar Tretli