Liv Marit Dørum is deputy head of the Register Section and has professional responsibility for the quality registers.
The registry section is the unit where all cancer cases in Norway are coded and registered. The section is responsible for the operation of the quality registries, including contact with registering units, cooperation with the clinical communities and establishment of quality indicators.
Liv Marit is also involved in the work to establish Nordic quality indicators for several types of cancer.
Liv Marit Dørum holds a master's degree in radiation biology from NTNU.
She joined the Cancer Registry of Norway in 2005 as quality registry manager for the Rectum Cancer Registry, today's National Quality Registry for Colorectal Cancer.
For a period, Liv Marit was group responsible for the coding group in the Registry Section, which is responsible for coding and registering gastrointestinal cancer.
Since 2012 she has been the coordinator of the quality registers.
Project manager for the project Evaluation of data quality in the National Colorectal Cancer Registry, completed in 2017.
Selected publications
Evaluation of data quality in the National Colorectal Cancer Registry. Dørum LM, Larsen IK, KO Knudsen, Aaserud S, Vonen B, Møller B. Cancer Registry, 2017. ISBN: 978-82-473-0054-1.
Aspirin as secondary prevention in patients with colorectal cancer: An unselected population-based study. Bains SJ, Mahic M, Myklebust TÅ, Småstuen MC, Yaqub S, Dørum LM, Bjørnbeth BA, Møller B, Brudvik KW, Taskén K. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jul 20; 34(21):2501-8.