Bjørn Møller was employed as a statistician in the Cancer Registry of Norway in 1997. He has headed the Department of Registration since 2007. The department has three sections (Registry, Data Flow and Analysis and Research) and a medical group. Møller holds a master's degree in statistics (major) from 1997 from the Department of Mathematics, UIO. He also holds a PhD in epidemiology (2004) from the Faculty of Medicine, UIO. He has supervised 8 PhD/ and is co-author of over 120 scientific articles. Møller is involved in a number of research projects, and has a great interest in the development and application of methods to analyze incidence, mortality and survival of cancer. He has worked extensively with age-period cohort models for analyses of observed and projected cancer trends, read more about Norpred Software here.
Bjørn Møller was employed as a statistician in the Cancer Registry of Norway in 1997. He has headed the Department of Registration since 2007. The department has three sections (Registry, Data Flow and Analysis and Research) and a medical group.
Møller is involved in a number of research projects, and has a great interest in the development and application of methods to analyze incidence, mortality and survival of cancer. He has worked extensively with age-period cohort models for analyses of observed and projected cancer trends, read more about Norpred Software here.
Another key area is cancer survival, where Møller participates in national projects for comparison of cancer survival. This includes projects that use and develop goals to compare cancer survival between different groups/countries with different degrees of mortality from other causes.
Møller also has extensive experience from projects that link national registries and the importance of place of residence, socioeconomic status and comorbidity for treatment and survival.
Møller holds a master's degree in statistics (major) from 1997 from the Department of Mathematics, UIO. He also holds a PhD in epidemiology (2004) from the Faculty of Medicine, UIO. He worked as a statistician at the Department of Research at the Cancer Registry of Norway from 1997-2005, as deputy head of the Department of Registration from 2005-2007 and as head of the department from 2007. He has supervised 8 PhD/ and is co-author of over 120 scientific articles.
See list of publications from PubMed
Bray F and Møller B. (2006) Predicting the future burden of cancer, Nat. Rev. Cancer 6, 63-74.
Skyrud KD, Bray F, Eriksen MT, Nilssen Y, Møller B (2016). Regional variations in cancer survival: impact of tumour stage, socioeconomic status, comorbidity, and type of treatment in Norway, Int J Cancer 138 (9):2190-2200
Myklebust, TA, Aagnes B, Møller B (2016). An empirical comparison of methods for predicting net survival. Cancer Epidemiol 42:133-139.
Nilssen Y, Strand TE, Fjellbirkeland L, Bartnes K, Møller B. (2016). Lung cancer survival in Norway, 1997-2011: from nihilism to optimism. The European respiratory journal 47, 275-287.
Kvåle R, Myklebust TA, Engholm G, S. Heinavaara, Wist E, Møller B (2017). Prostate and breast cancer in four Nordic countries: A comparison of incidence and mortality trends across countries and age groups 1975-2013. Int J Cancer. 141, 2228-2242.
Lambert PC, Andersson TM, Rutherford MJ, Myklebust TA, Møller B (2020). Reference-adjusted and standardized all-cause and crude probabilities as an alternative to net survival in population-based cancer studies. Int J Epidemiol. 49, 1614-1623
Heikkilä R, Myklebust TÅ, Møller B (2021). Regional variation in cancer survival in Norway. Cancer epidemiology 75, 102038.
Møller B, Jerm MB, Larønningen S, Johannesen TB, Seglem AH, Larsen IK, Myklebst TÅ, (2021). The validity of cancer information on death certificates in Norway and the impact of death certificate initiated cases on cancer incidence and survival. Cancer epidemiology 75, 102023.
Nilssen Y, Brustugun OT, Eriksen MT, Guren MG, Haug ES, Naume B, Schlichting E, Møller B (2022). Compliance with recommended cancer patient pathway timeframes and choice of treatment differed by cancer type and place of residence among cancer patients in Norway in 2015–2016. BMC Cancer 22 (1):220.
Myklebust TÅ, Aagnes B, Nilssen Y, Rutherford M, Lambert PC, Andersson TML, Johansson ALV, Dickman PW, Møller B (2023). Improving communication of cancer survival statistics—feasibility of implementing model-based algorithms in routine publications. British Journal of Cancer [Online ahead of print]