Online public journal

The Cancer Registry's journal of paper-based and electronic letters is public. Here you will get an overview of how you can gain access to documents.

The public journal is an overview of all documents worthy of archiving that have been received (type I) or expired (type U) from the Cancer Registry. The journal also contains internal documents (type N).

The overview is posted weekly with documents recorded in the previous week. Exceptionally, it may take two weeks between publications.

General rule of disclosure

The Cancer Registry of Norway is a public company that is subject to the Act on the right to Access Documents in Public Administration (the Public Administration Act).

Assessment of public access is made based on a request for access. The general rule is that all case documents in public enterprises are open for access.

Information in a single document that is subject to confidentiality by law or regulations is exempt from disclosure. Furthermore, entire documents prepared for internal case preparation may be exempted from disclosure.

When there is an possibility to exempt from disclosure, the company is still obliged to consider increased transparency.

If exceptions are made for parts of a document, the company may also exempt the remainder of the document if these parts alone would give a clearly misleading impression of the content, or it would be unreasonably laborious for the company to separate them, or the exempted information constitutes the essential part of the document. 

Documents that are exempt from public access typically have sender, recipient and/or parts of the content of the text redacted with *****.

The Cancer Registry's public journal

The Cancer Registry of Norway is administratively subordinate to Oslo University Hospital HF as of 1 January 2009. All incoming and outgoing mail at the health enterprise is registered daily in accordance with the record-keeping rules in the Regulations relating to public archives, and from this registration an overview of the documents is generated: public journal.

Access to case documents

Anyone can request access to case documents. If you want access to one or more documents, you can contact the case archive.

The inquiry can be made to:
- Email:  
- letter to the Cancer Registry of Norway, PO Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo.

When requesting access, you must state the case number and document number on the document you want access to. You will receive the document either by e-mail or by letter from us. The request for access shall be processed without undue delay. If you have not received an answer within five working days after the Cancer Registry received the request, this shall be considered a rejection that can be appealed.

Right to complain

If your application for access to documents is rejected, you have the right to appeal. The deadline for appeal is three weeks after the rejection reached you. A written, signed complaint must be submitted to the Cancer Registry.

The Cancer Registry of Norway conducts further investigations, and can reverse or amend the decision if the conditions for processing the appeal are not met.

If the conditions for processing the complaint are met, the Cancer Registry of Norway sends the documents in the case to the superior complaints department.

Overview of key laws and regulations

Act relating to the right of access to documents in public enerprises (Offentlighetsloven)
Act relating to the procedure in administrative matters (Forvaltningsloven)
Act on the processing of personal data (Personopplysningsloven)
Archives act (Arkivloven)
Regulation to the public act (Forskrift til offentleglova) 

Regulations on the processing of personal data (Personopplysningsforskriften)
Regulations relating to public archives (Arkivforskriften)