Contact information
Address and map
Ullernchausséen 64
0379 Oslo
Postal adress:
Postboks 5313 Majorstuen
0304 Oslo
Org.number: 983 744 516
Our offices are located in one of the buildings at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, just off Ring 3 in Montebello.
The Cancer Registry of Norway shares a building with, among others, Oslo Cancer Cluster and Ullern Upper Secondary School.
The Cancer Registry is located in the yellow slats in the middle, on the 4th-6th floor.
Switchboard 22 45 13.00 and reception are serviced from 09.00 to 14.30.
What is the Cancer registry's response to?
Email in general
Avoid sending emails with sensitive personal information (such as information about illness, diagnosis and your social security number) or other information subject to a duty of confidentiality.
Email regarding the website
Public transport
Bus route 23 (Lysaker - Simensbråten) and 28 (Fornebu - Helsfyr, rush hour route) driving along Ring 3, just past the Cancer Registry.
The bus stop is Motebelloveien. It is also possible to use the bus stop Radiumhospitalet.
See timetables and line maps for buses in Oslo
The metro's line 3 (Kolsåsbanen) stops at Montebello. From this stop, it is about five minutes to walk to the Cancer Registry. Follow the signs to the Norwegian Radium Hospital.
See timetable ad linemap for metro
For visitors from the city center, we recommend the subway.
For travelers to and from the airport, a good alternative is the Airport train to Lysaker, and the bus 23 from Lysaker to Montebelloveien.
By car
For visitors to the Cancer Registry of Norway, Parkly's parking regulations apply. Avoid control fees by complying with parking regulations.
OCCI car park:
OCCI P-hus is operated by the parking company Parkly. The parking garage consists of 1 floor with 140 parking spaces and is open to all short-term parking in the area. Entrance from Ullernchauseen. Informasjon about OCCI parking garage
Information about the car park:
Max height: 2.10 m
Number of parking spaces: 140
Number of HC places: 7
Number of electric car charging points: 3
Opening hours:
Entry: 06.00 – 24.00
Delivery: 06.00 – 24.00
Debit card
Mobile parking: EasyPark app, Parkly app or on
If you have more questions regarding parking, you can find more information here: Parkly customer service