Nordic Summer School - practical information
Phase 1 (12-23 August 2024)
Danish Cancer Society
Strandboulevarden 49
2100 Copenhagen
The Summer School secretariat will book accommodation (shared twin room) for all students.
The hotel details are:
Hotel 9 små hjem
Classensgade 38
2100 Copenhagen
How to get from the airport to the Danish Cancer Society – see journey planner
Social activities
The Summer School has an assistant who is available during the course and will organise social activities in the evenings and weekend.
We encourage you all to take part in the activities and organise events yourselves.
Phase 3 (24-26 January 2025)
Venue & accommodation
Youth Centre of Marttinen
Herrasentie 16
34800 Virrat
The Tampere University will book accommodation for all students and teachers.