Nordic Cancer Registries

Here is a link to the peer-reviewed paper

Pukkala, E., Engholm, G., Højsgaard Schmidt, L.K., Storm, H., Khan, S., Lambe, M., Pettersson, D., Ólafsdóttir, E., Tryggvadóttir, L., Hakanen, T., Malila, N., Virtanen, A., Johannesen, T.B., Larønningen, S., Ursin, G.: Nordic Cancer Registries - an overview of their procedures and data comparability. Acta Oncol. 2018 Apr;57(4):440-455.

Here is a link to the additional material

NB: To open the pdf-links in a new window, please click on the right button on your mouse and choose 'Open in a new window'

Here you can download a Survey of Nordic Cancer Registries which describes the details of how cancer registration has taken place in the Nordic countries before year 2000.

Download in PDF-format. Total document:  262 pages, 2901Kb


If you have any problems downloading the file, or any questions regarding the report, please contact:
Siri Larønningen
Cancer Registry of Norway