Publiserte artikler 2021
Aas K, Berge V, Myklebust TÅ, Fosså SD (2021)
Comparative Survival Outcomes of High-risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Radical Prostatectomy or Definitive Radiotherapy Regimens
Eur Urol Open Sci, 26, 55-63
DOI 10.1016/j.euros.2021.01.011, PubMed 34337508
Aase HS, Danielsen AS, Hoff SR, Holen ÅS, Haldorsen IS, Hovda T, Hanestad B, Sandvik CK, Hofvind S (2021)
Mammographic features and screening outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing digital breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography
Eur J Radiol, 141, 109753
DOI 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109753, PubMed 34053786
Al Rahmoun M, Ghiasvand R, Cairat M, Mahamat-Saleh Y, Cervenka I, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Robsahm TE, Kvaskoff M, Fournier A (2021)
Statin Use and Skin Cancer Risk: A Prospective Cohort Study
J Invest Dermatol (in press)
DOI 10.1016/j.jid.2021.10.010, PubMed 34695411
Alavi DH, Henriksen HB, Lauritzen PM, Kværner AS, Sakinis T, Langleite TM, Henriksen C, Bøhn SK, Paur I, Wiedswang G, Smeland S, Blomhoff R (2021)
Quantification of adipose tissues by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Computed Tomography in colorectal cancer patients
Clin Nutr ESPEN, 43, 360-368
DOI 10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.03.022, PubMed 34024541
Almås B, Halvorsen OJ, Johannesen TB, Beisland C (2021)
Higher than expected and significantly increasing incidence of upper tract urothelial carcinoma. A population based study
World J Urol, 39 (9), 3385-3391
DOI 10.1007/s00345-020-03576-3, PubMed 33420812
Almasi-Hashiani A, Nedjat S, Ghiasvand R, Safiri S, Nazemipour M, Mansournia N, Mansournia MA (2021)
The causal effect and impact of reproductive factors on breast cancer using super learner and targeted maximum likelihood estimation: a case-control study in Fars Province, Iran
BMC Public Health, 21 (1), 1219
DOI 10.1186/s12889-021-11307-5, PubMed 34167500
Andersson TM, Myklebust TÅ, Rutherford MJ, Møller B, Soerjomataram I, Arnold M, Bray F, Parkin DM, Sasieni P, Bucher O, De P, Engholm G, Gavin A, Little A, Porter G, Ramanakumar AV, Saint-Jacques N, Walsh PM, Woods RR, Lambert PC (2021)
The impact of excluding or including Death Certificate Initiated (DCI) cases on estimated cancer survival: A simulation study
Cancer Epidemiol, 71 (Pt A), 101881
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2020.101881, PubMed 33440295
Andersson TM, Rutherford MJ, Myklebust TÅ, Møller B, Arnold M, Soerjomataram I, Bray F, Elkader HA, Engholm G, Huws D, Little A, Shack L, Walsh PM, Woods RR, Parkin DM, Lambert PC (2021)
A way to explore the existence of "immortals" in cancer registry data - An illustration using data from ICBP SURVMARK-2
Cancer Epidemiol, 76, 102085 (in press)
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2021.102085, PubMed 34954495
André C, Holsti C, Svenner A, Sackey H, Oikonomou I, Appelgren M, Johansson ALV, de Boniface J (2021)
Recurrence and survival after standard versus oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer
BJS Open, 5 (1)
DOI 10.1093/bjsopen/zraa013, PubMed 33609387
Andreassen BK, Hektoen HH, Axcrona K, Langseth H, Stenehjem JS, Robsahm TE (2021)
Prediagnostic Serum-25 Hydroxyvitamin D and Mortality Among Bladder Cancer Patients in the Janus Serum Bank Cohort: Answer to a Short Comment [Response to Letter]
Clin Epidemiol, 13, 1061-1062
DOI 10.2147/CLEP.S345565, PubMed 34803404
Araghi M, Fidler-Benaoudia M, Arnold M, Rutherford M, Bardot A, Ferlay J, Bucher O, De P, Engholm G, Gavin A, Kozie S, Little A, Møller B, St Jacques N, Tervonen H, Walsh P, Woods R, O'Connell DL, Baldwin D, Elwood M, Siesling S, Bray F, Soerjomataram I, ICBP SURVMARK-2 Local Leads, ICBP SURVMARK-2 Academic Reference Group et al. (2021)
International differences in lung cancer survival by sex, histological type and stage at diagnosis: an ICBP SURVMARK-2 Study
DOI 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216555, PubMed 34282033
Arnold M, Morgan E, Bardot A, Rutherford MJ, Ferlay J, Little A, Møller B, Bucher O, De P, Woods RR, Saint-Jacques N, Gavin AT, Engholm G, Achiam MP, Porter G, Walsh PM, Vernon S, Kozie S, Ramanakumar AV, Lynch C, Harrison S, Merrett N, O'Connell DL, Mala T, Elwood M et al. (2021)
International variation in oesophageal and gastric cancer survival 2012-2014: differences by histological subtype and stage at diagnosis (an ICBP SURVMARK-2 population-based study)
DOI 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325266, PubMed 34824149
Auvinen A, Cardis E, Blettner M, Moissonnier M, Sadetzki S, Giles G, Johansen C, Swerdlow A, Cook A, Fleming S, Berg-Beckhoff G, Iavarone I, Parent ME, Woodward A, Tynes T, McBride M, Krewski D, Feychting M, Takebayashi T, Armstrong B, Hours M, Siemiatycki J, Lagorio S, Larsen SB, Schoemaker M et al. (2021)
Corrigendum to: Diagnostic radiological examinations and risk of intracranial tumours in adults-findings from the interphone study
Int J Epidemiol (in press)
DOI 10.1093/ije/dyab240, PubMed 34849931
Backmann HA, Larsen M, Danielsen AS, Hofvind S (2021)
Does it matter for the radiologists' performance whether they read short or long batches in organized mammographic screening?
Eur Radiol, 31 (12), 9548-9555
DOI 10.1007/s00330-021-08010-9, PubMed 34110427
Barchuk A, Belyaev A, Gretsova O, Tursun-Zade R, Moshina N, Znaor A (2021)
History and current status of cancer registration in Russia
Cancer Epidemiol, 73, 101963
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2021.101963, PubMed 34089992
Barchuk A, Tursun-Zade R, Belayev A, Moore M, Komarov Y, Moshina N, Anttila A, Nevalainen J, Auvinen A, Ryzhov A, Znaor A (2021)
Comparability and validity of cancer registry data in the northwest of Russia
Acta Oncol, 60 (10), 1264-1271
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1967443, PubMed 34424113
Bentzen HB, Castro R, Fears R, Griffin G, Ter Meulen V, Ursin G (2021)
Remove obstacles to sharing health data with researchers outside of the European Union
Nat Med, 27 (8), 1329-1333
DOI 10.1038/s41591-021-01460-0, PubMed 34345050
Bhargava S, Mangerud G, Hofvind S (2021)
Attendance in BreastScreen Norway among immigrant and Norwegian-born women
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 141 (2)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0134, PubMed 33528126
Blindheim AJ, Fosså SD, Babigumira R, Andreassen BK (2021)
The use of reTURB in T1 bladder cancer: a Norwegian population-based study
Scand J Urol, 55 (4), 268-274
DOI 10.1080/21681805.2021.1917652, PubMed 33998957
Botteri E, Baker JG, Sloan EK (2021)
Response to the letter Re: Carvedilol blocks neural regulation of breast cancer progression in vivo and is associated with reduced breast cancer mortality in patients
Eur J Cancer, 152, 252-254
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.04.022, PubMed 34099363
Botteri E, Berstad P, Sandin S, Weiderpass E (2021)
Lifestyle changes and risk of cancer: experience from the Swedish women's lifestyle and health cohort study
Acta Oncol, 60 (7), 827-834
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1919756, PubMed 33988490
Botteri E, Gallus S, Lugo A (2021)
Response to Hoffmeister et al
Am J Gastroenterol, 116 (5), 1093-1094
DOI 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001152, PubMed 33470612
Brägelmann J, Barahona Ponce C, Marcelain K, Roessler S, Goeppert B, Gallegos I, Colombo A, Sanhueza V, Morales E, Rivera MT, de Toro G, Ortega A, Müller B, Gabler F, Scherer D, Waldenberger M, Reischl E, Boekstegers F, Garate-Calderon V, Umu SU, Rounge TB, Popanda O, Lorenzo Bermejo J (2021)
Epigenome-Wide Analysis of Methylation Changes in the Sequence of Gallstone Disease, Dysplasia, and Gallbladder Cancer
Hepatology, 73 (6), 2293-2310
DOI 10.1002/hep.31585, PubMed 33020926
Brevik TB, Tropé A, Laake P, Bjørkly S (2021)
Does Women's Screening History Have Any Impact on Mammography Screening Attendance After Tailored Education?: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Med Care, 59 (10), 893-900
DOI 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001576, PubMed 34108408
Brown DW, Lan Q, Rothman N, Pluta J, Almstrup K, Dalgaard MD, Greene MH, Grotmol T, Loveday C, Schwartz SM, Turnbull C, Wiklund F, Kanetsky PA, Nathanson KL, McGlynn KA, Machiela MJ, Testicular Cancer Consortium (2021)
Genetically Inferred Telomere Length and Testicular Germ Cell Tumor Risk
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 30 (6), 1275-1278
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-20-1775, PubMed 33737296
Brustugun OT, Nilssen Y, Eide IJZ (2021)
Epidemiology and outcome of peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma subtypes in Norway. A 20 year nation-wide study
Acta Oncol, 60 (10), 1250-1256
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1955971, PubMed 34313510
Cardoso R, Guo F, Heisser T, Hackl M, Ihle P, De Schutter H, Van Damme N, Valerianova Z, Atanasov T, Májek O, Mužík J, Nilbert MC, Tybjerg AJ, Innos K, Mägi M, Malila N, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Launoy G, Woronoff AS, Cariou M, Robaszkiewicz M, Delafosse P, Poncet F, Katalinic A et al. (2021)
Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era: an international population-based study
Lancet Oncol, 22 (7), 1002-1013
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00199-6, PubMed 34048685
Carlsen B, Klingen TA, Andreassen BK, Haug ES (2021)
Tumor cell invasion in blood vessels assessed by immunohistochemistry is related to decreased survival in patients with bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy
Diagn Pathol, 16 (1), 109
DOI 10.1186/s13000-021-01171-7, PubMed 34809660
Chen YW, Hang D, Kværner AS, Giovannucci E, Song M (2021)
Associations between body shape across the life course and adulthood concentrations of sex hormones in men and pre- and postmenopausal women: a multicohort study
Br J Nutr, 1-10 (in press)
DOI 10.1017/S0007114521001732, PubMed 34187605
Conway DI, Hovanec J, Ahrens W, Ross A, Holcatova I, Lagiou P, Serraino D, Canova C, Richiardi L, Healy C, Kjaerheim K, Macfarlane GJ, Thomson P, Agudo A, Znaor A, Brennan P, Luce D, Menvielle G, Stucker I, Benhamou S, Ramroth H, Boffetta P, Vilensky M, Fernandez L, Curado MP et al. (2021)
Occupational socioeconomic risk associations for head and neck cancer in Europe and South America: individual participant data analysis of pooled case-control studies within the INHANCE Consortium
J Epidemiol Community Health, 75 (8), 779-787
DOI 10.1136/jech-2020-214913, PubMed 33622804
Corbin S, Togawa K, Schüz J, Le Cornet C, Fervers B, Feychting M, Wiebert P, Hansen J, Dalton SO, Kjærheim K, Nordby KC, Østrem RS, Skakkebæk NE, Uuksulainen S, Pukkala E, Olsson A (2021)
Parental occupational exposures in wood-related jobs and risk of testicular germ cell tumours in offspring in NORD-TEST a registry-based case-control study in Finland, Norway, and Sweden
Int Arch Occup Environ Health
DOI 10.1007/s00420-021-01818-4, PubMed 34853884
Cordellier M, Wojewodzic MW, Wessels M, Kuster C, von Elert E (2021)
Next-generation sequencing of DNA from resting eggs: signatures of eutrophication in a lake's sediment
Zoology (Jena), 145, 125895
DOI 10.1016/j.zool.2021.125895, PubMed 33561655
Damhuis RAM, Senan S, Khakwani A, Harden S, Helland Ȧ, Strand TE (2021)
Age-related treatment patterns for stage I NSCLC in three European countries
J Geriatr Oncol, 12 (8), 1214-1219
DOI 10.1016/j.jgo.2021.05.005, PubMed 33994330
de Boniface J, Szulkin R, Johansson ALV (2021)
Survival After Breast Conservation vs Mastectomy Adjusted for Comorbidity and Socioeconomic Status: A Swedish National 6-Year Follow-up of 48 986 Women
JAMA Surg, 156 (7), 628-637
DOI 10.1001/jamasurg.2021.1438, PubMed 33950173
de Boniface J, Szulkin R, Johansson ALV (2021)
Eradication of Potential In-Transit Metastasis in Breast-Conserving Surgery-Reply
DOI 10.1001/jamasurg.2021.5352, PubMed 34705036
De S, Edwards DM, Dwivedi V, Wang J, Varsally W, Dixon HL, Singh AK, Owuamalam PO, Wright MT, Summers RP, Hossain MN, Price EM, Wojewodzic MW, Falciani F, Hodges NJ, Saponaro M, Tanaka K, Azzalin CM, Baumann P, Hebenstreit D, Brogna S (2021)
Genome-wide chromosomal association of Upf1 is linked to Pol II transcription in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Nucleic Acids Res (in press)
DOI 10.1093/nar/gkab1249, PubMed 34928380
Dong L, Nygård M, Hansen BT (2021)
Sociodemographic Correlates of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake: Opportunistic and Catch-Up Vaccination in Norway
Cancers (Basel), 13 (14)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13143483, PubMed 34298696
Dube Mandishora RS, Rounge TB, Fitzpatrick M, Christiansen IK, Ambur OH, Lagström S, Stray-Pedersen B, Tommasino M, Palefsky J, Chirenje ZM (2021)
Self-collected and clinician-collected anal swabs show modest agreement for HPV genotyping
PLoS One, 16 (4), e0250426
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0250426, PubMed 33901223
Egan KM, Kim Y, Bender N, Hodge JM, Coghill AE, Smith-Warner SA, Rollison DE, Teras LR, Grimsrud TK, Waterboer T (2021)
Prospective investigation of polyomavirus infection and the risk of adult glioma
Sci Rep, 11 (1), 9642
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-89133-3, PubMed 33953301
Ehrenstein V, Heide-Jørgensen U, Schiødt M, Akre O, Herlofson BB, Hansen S, Larsson Wexell C, Nørholt SE, Tretli S, Kjellman A, Glennane A, Lowe KA, Sørensen HT (2021)
Osteonecrosis of the jaw among patients with cancer treated with denosumab or zoledronic acid: Results of a regulator-mandated cohort postauthorization safety study in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
Cancer, 127 (21), 4050-4058
DOI 10.1002/cncr.33802, PubMed 34310704
Engeland A, Ghaderi S, Dos-Santos-Silva I, Furu K, Hjellvik V, Kvåle R, Bjørge T (2021)
Prescribed drugs in 27 000 individuals after diagnosis of colorectal cancer: A population-based cohort study
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 30 (8), 1037-1048
DOI 10.1002/pds.5243, PubMed 33822430
Falk RS, Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Heir T, Bodegård J, Robsahm TE, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Engeseth K, Bjornholt JV, Stavem K, Liestøl K, Sandvik L, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Erikssen JE (2021)
The Oslo Ischaemia Study: cohort profile
BMJ Open, 11 (10), e049111
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049111, PubMed 34645662
Falk RS, Robsahm TE, Paulsen JE, Stocks T, Drake I, Heir T (2021)
Fasting serum potassium and long-term mortality in healthy men
BMC Public Health, 21 (1), 711
DOI 10.1186/s12889-021-10738-4, PubMed 33849496
Ferreiro-Iglesias A, McKay JD, Brenner N, Virani S, Lesseur C, Gaborieau V, Ness AR, Hung RJ, Liu G, Diergaarde B, Olshan AF, Hayes N, Weissler MC, Schroeder L, Bender N, Pawlita M, Thomas S, Pring M, Dudding T, Kanterewicz B, Ferris R, Thomas S, Brhane Y, Díez-Obrero V, Milojevic M et al. (2021)
Germline determinants of humoral immune response to HPV-16 protect against oropharyngeal cancer
Nat Commun, 12 (1), 5945
DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-26151-9, PubMed 34642315
Garbulowski M, Diamanti K, Smolińska K, Baltzer N, Stoll P, Bornelöv S, Øhrn A, Feuk L, Komorowski J (2021)
R.ROSETTA: an interpretable machine learning framework
BMC Bioinformatics, 22 (1), 110
DOI 10.1186/s12859-021-04049-z, PubMed 33676405
GBD 2019 Respiratory Tract Cancers Collaborators (2021)
Global, regional, and national burden of respiratory tract cancers and associated risk factors from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Lancet Respir Med, 9 (9), 1030-1049
DOI 10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00164-8, PubMed 34411511
Ghiasvand R (2021)
Divergent pathways for melanoma: what is the role of genetics?
Br J Dermatol, 184 (6), 995-996
DOI 10.1111/bjd.19887, PubMed 33764528
Ghiasvand R, Green AC, Sandanger TM, Weiderpass E, Robsahm TE, Veierød MB (2021)
Phenotypic Characteristics and Melanoma Thickness in Women
Acta Derm Venereol, 101 (4), adv00446
DOI 10.2340/00015555-3806, PubMed 33880571
Gillis RD, Botteri E, Chang A, Ziegler AI, Chung NC, Pon CK, Shackleford DM, Andreassen BK, Halls ML, Baker JG, Sloan EK (2021)
Carvedilol blocks neural regulation of breast cancer progression in vivo and is associated with reduced breast cancer mortality in patients
Eur J Cancer, 147, 106-116
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.01.029, PubMed 33639323
Girardi F, Rous B, Stiller CA, Gatta G, Fersht N, Storm HH, Rodrigues JR, Herrmann C, Marcos-Gragera R, Peris-Bonet R, Valkov M, Weir HK, Woods RR, You H, Cueva PA, De P, Di Carlo V, Johannesen TB, Lima CA, Lynch CF, Coleman MP, Allemani C, CONCORD Working Group (2021)
The histology of brain tumors for 67 331 children and 671 085 adults diagnosed in 60 countries during 2000-2014: a global, population-based study (CONCORD-3)
Neuro Oncol, 23 (10), 1765-1776
DOI 10.1093/neuonc/noab067, PubMed 33738488
Gislefoss RE, Berge U, Lauritzen M, Langseth H, Wojewodzic MW (2021)
A Simple and Cost-Effective Method for Measuring Hemolysis in Biobank Serum Specimens
Biopreserv Biobank, 19 (6), 525-530
DOI 10.1089/bio.2021.0037, PubMed 34613836
Global Burden of Disease 2019 Cancer Collaboration, Kocarnik JM, Compton K, Dean FE, Fu W, Gaw BL, Harvey JD, Henrikson HJ, Lu D, Pennini A, Xu R, Ababneh E, Abbasi-Kangevari M, Abbastabar H, Abd-Elsalam SM, Abdoli A, Abedi A, Abidi H, Abolhassani H, Adedeji IA, Adnani QES, Advani SM, Afzal MS, Aghaali M, Ahinkorah BO et al. (2021)
Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 2019: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
JAMA Oncol (in press)
DOI 10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.6987, PubMed 34967848
Gogineni VC, Langberg SRE, Naumova V, Nygard JF, Nygard M, Grasmair M, Werner S (2021)
DOI 10.1109/SSP49050.2021.9513824
Gottschalk MS, Eskild A, Hofvind S, Bjelland EK (2021)
The relation of number of childbirths with age at natural menopause: a population study of 310 147 women in Norway
Hum Reprod (in press)
DOI 10.1093/humrep/deab246, PubMed 34791235
Gravdal BH, Lönnberg S, Skare GB, Sulo G, Bjørge T (2021)
Cervical cancer in women under 30 years of age in Norway: a population-based cohort study
BMC Womens Health, 21 (1), 110
DOI 10.1186/s12905-021-01242-3, PubMed 33736628
Guderud K, Sunde LH, Flåm ST, Mæhlen MT, Mjaavatten MD, Norli ES, Evenrød IM, Andreassen BK, Franzenburg S, Franke A, Rayner S, Gervin K, Lie BA (2021)
Methotrexate Treatment of Newly Diagnosed RA Patients Is Associated With DNA Methylation Differences at Genes Relevant for Disease Pathogenesis and Pharmacological Action
Front Immunol, 12, 713611
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2021.713611, PubMed 34867944
Halle MK, Munk AC, Engesæter B, Akbari S, Frafjord A, Hoivik EA, Forsse D, Fasmer KE, Woie K, Haldorsen IS, Bertelsen BI, Janssen EAM, Gudslaugsson E, Krakstad C, Øvestad IT (2021)
A Gene Signature Identifying CIN3 Regression and Cervical Cancer Survival
Cancers (Basel), 13 (22)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13225737, PubMed 34830895
Hallock H, Marshall SE, 't Hoen PAC, Nygård JF, Hoorne B, Fox C, Alagaratnam S (2021)
Federated Networks for Distributed Analysis of Health Data
Front Public Health, 9, 712569
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2021.712569, PubMed 34660512
Hamfjord J, Myklebust TÅ, Larsen IK, Kure EH, Glimelius B, Guren TK, Tveit KM, Guren MG (2021)
Survival Trends of Right- and Left-Sided Colon Cancer across Four Decades: A Norwegian Population-Based Study
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (in press)
DOI 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0555, PubMed 34853022
Hansen BT, Campbell S, Nygård M (2021)
Regional differences in cervical cancer incidence and associated risk behaviors among Norwegian women: a population-based study
BMC Cancer, 21 (1), 935
DOI 10.1186/s12885-021-08614-w, PubMed 34412617
He MM, Lo CH, Wang K, Polychronidis G, Wang L, Zhong R, Knudsen MD, Fang Z, Song M (2021)
Immune-Mediated Diseases Associated With Cancer Risks
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DOI 10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.5680, PubMed 34854871
Heikkilä R, Myklebust TÅ, Møller B (2021)
Regional variation in cancer survival in Norway
Cancer Epidemiol, 75, 102038
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2021.102038, PubMed 34571393
Hektoen HH, Gislefoss RE, Stenehjem JS, Langseth H, Axcrona K, Mondul AM, Robsahm TE, Andreassen BK (2021)
Prediagnostic Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Mortality Among Bladder Cancer Patients in the Janus Serum Bank Cohort
Clin Epidemiol, 13, 801-811
DOI 10.2147/CLEP.S319620, PubMed 34548821
Hektoen HH, Robsahm TE, Stenehjem JS, Axcrona K, Babigumira R, Mondul AM, Gislefoss RE, Andreassen BK (2021)
Vitamin D and Vitamin D-binding protein and risk of bladder cancer: A nested case-control study in the Norwegian Janus Serum Bank Cohort
Cancer Med, 10 (12), 4107-4116
DOI 10.1002/cam4.3960, PubMed 34080787
Hellesnes R, Myklebust TÅ, Fosså SD, Bremnes RM, Karlsdottir Á, Kvammen Ø, Tandstad T, Wilsgaard T, Negaard HFS, Haugnes HS (2021)
Testicular Cancer in the Cisplatin Era: Causes of Death and Mortality Rates in a Population-Based Cohort
J Clin Oncol, 39 (32), 3561-3573
DOI 10.1200/JCO.21.00637, PubMed 34388002
Hjorth S, Hemmingsen CH, Bénévent J, Broe A, Pottegaard A, Mørch LS, Leinonen MK, Kjaer SK, Hargreave M, Nordeng H (2021)
Maternal Medication Use and Childhood Cancer in Offspring-Systematic Review and Considerations for Researchers
Am J Epidemiol, 190 (11), 2487-2499
DOI 10.1093/aje/kwab154, PubMed 34017981
Hodge JM, Coghill AE, Kim Y, Bender N, Smith-Warner SA, Gapstur S, Teras LR, Grimsrud TK, Waterboer T, Egan KM (2021)
Toxoplasma gondii infection and the risk of adult glioma in two prospective studies
Int J Cancer, 148 (10), 2449-2456
DOI 10.1002/ijc.33443, PubMed 33427315
Hoff G (2021)
Quality assurance in colonoscopy: is case mix a problem?
DOI 10.1055/a-1690-6488, PubMed 34905790
Hoff G, Botteri E, Huppertz-Hauss G, Kvamme JM, Holme Ø, Aabakken L, Dahler S, Medhus AW, Blomgren I, Sandvei P, Darre-Næss O, Kjellevold Ø, Seip B (2021)
The effect of train-the-colonoscopy-trainer course on colonoscopy quality indicators
Endoscopy, 53 (12), 1229-1234
DOI 10.1055/a-1352-4583, PubMed 33622001
Hofvind S, Knutsvik G, Holen ÅS, Tsuruda KM, Akslen LA (2021)
Detection and significance of small and low proliferation breast cancer
J Med Screen, 09691413211023970
DOI 10.1177/09691413211023970, PubMed 34157879
Hofvind S, Lee CI (2021)
A Warning about Warning Signals for Interpreting Mammograms
Radiology, 212092 (in press)
DOI 10.1148/radiol.2021212092, PubMed 34751621
Hofvind S, Moshina N, Holen ÅS, Danielsen AS, Lee CI, Houssami N, Aase HS, Akslen LA, Haldorsen IS (2021)
Interval and Subsequent Round Breast Cancer in a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Digital Mammography Screening
Radiology, 300 (1), 66-76
DOI 10.1148/radiol.2021203936, PubMed 33973840
Holen AS, Larsen M, Moshina N, Waade GG, Sechopoulos I, Hanestad B, Tosdal L, Hofvind S (2021)
Visualization of the Nipple in Profile: Does It Really Affect Selected Outcomes in Organized Mammographic Screening?
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