HPV Cancer Elimination forum
HPV CANCEL forum ble arrangert for første gang 21 mars 2022.
Vår målsetting er å samle, informere og legge til rette for samarbeid mellom helsepersonell og forskere som jobber med HPV-relatert kreft. Vi bidrar forøvrig til det nasjonale initiativet "Raskere eliminering av HPV og livmorhalskreft" hvor forskere fra Kreftregisteret er involvert.
Vi har fått presentert en rekke spennede foredrag fra mange dyktige forskere fra ulike forskningsmiljøer og instituter (se liste nederst på siden).
Deltakerne ved første HPV CANCEL forum. Foto: Tom Nilsen
Siste aktivitet
HPV CANCEL forum fikk midler fra NOFE til å arrangere seminaret "Strategies for prevention of HPV-related cancer" 18 april i år. Les mer om seminaret i nyhetssak her.
Se tema fra tidligere arrangerte forum, titler og foredragsholdere under:
"Strategies for (faster) elimination of HPV related cancers" - Matti Lehtinen
"CervixScreen Norway in 2024. Changes, innovations, and challenges" - Ameli Trope
"The Added Value of Self-Sampling" - Bo T. Hansen
"Clinical follow-up algorithms: added value of methylation" - Jean-Marc Costanzi
"Understanding data: does one-size screening fit all?" - Discussion Severin Langberg & Sandra Klonteig
"THNK - a science based checklist for science communication" - Jo Røislien
"HPV vaccination in Norway in 2024. Can we do more?" - Lill Trogstad
"Monitoring HPV-vaccination program: HPV type distribution in general population" - Christin Jonassen
"Monitoring HPV-vaccination program: HPV type distribution in cervical precancers and cancers" - Therese Bekkevold
"Impact of multi cohort vaccination– examples from Scandinavia" - Ståle Nygård
"Is there and will there be a need for HPV vaccine booster dose?" - Thea Falkenthal
"Impact of strategies to accelerate cervical cancer elimination in Norway: A model-based analysis" - Kine Pedersen
"Blood-based biomarkers for early detection of HPV-driven cancer" - Hilary Robbins
"HPV and penile cancer – clinical perspectives and future prevention" - Christian Arvei Moen
"Therapeutical HPV-related vaccines – a clinical trial" - Siri Torhaug
"Global strategies to eliminate cervical cancer" - Philip Castle
"Diagnosis and treatment (radiotherapy)" - Hanne Eide - Oslo Universitetssykehus Radiumhospitalet
"HPVC3 Janus biobank and oropharynx cancer" - Mari Nygård og Madleen Orumaa - Kreftregisteret
"The Hamburg HPV-Oropharyngeal Cancer Screening Stduy (PHORECAST) - an update" - Tim Waterboer - German Cancer Research Center
"Sykdomsforløpet fra en pasients ståsted" - Brukerrepresentant - Kreftforeningen
"TaME-seq2: Tagmentation-assisted multiplex PCR enrichment for viral genomic profiling" - Milan Stosic - OsloMet
"Correlation between HPV16 variability and CD4+ counts in HIV co-infected women from Zimbabwe" - Jean-Marc Costanzi - Akerhus University Hospital
"Nucleotide variation and integration profiles of five high-risk HPVs from different diagnostic categories of cervical samples" - Alexander Hesselberg Løvestad - OsloMet
"DeCipher: Data-driven Framework for Personalized Cancer Prevention" - Florian Becker - Simula
"DeCipher: lessons learned - what has been achieved and what are challenges" - Severin Langberg - Simula
"Towards elimination of cervical cancer: intelligent and personalized solutions for cancer screening" - Mari Nygård - Kreftregisteret
"Towards elimination of cervical cancer: DNA methylation analyses to improve specificity and reduce overtreatment related to HPV-based screening" - Eva Wessel Stratford - Kreftregisteret
"CIN 1 is there need for more active follow-up?" - Ameli Trope - Kreftregisteret
“Strengthening at National Level the Capacity of the Romanian Health Sector to Implement Organized Screening for Cancers Amenable to Cost-Effective Early Detection Interventions” – CEDICROM 2 - Linda Nyanchoka - Kreftregisteret
"Advanced cancer progression – treatment and consequences" - Thea Falkenthal - Kreftregisteret
"Why did it take 14 years to implement HPV screening in Norway?" Birgit Engesæter - Kreftregisteret
"Lessons learned – Implementation of HPV home tests in Norway" - Ameli trope - Kreftregisteret
"Equalscreen: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial of self-sampling among long-term non-attenders to cervical cancer screening" - Gunvor Aasbø - Kreftregisteret
"SESAM 2: Human papillomavirus genotype specific concordance between vaginal and cervical samples" - Xin Liu - Kreftregisteret
"Hjemmetest i livmorhalsprogrammet" - Ameli Trope - Kreftregisteret
"SOIGNONS SocIetal Games to Nudge people into attending cervical cancer Screening" - Madleen Orumaa - Kreftregisteret
"Equalscreen: Increasing participation and reducing inequities in cervical cancer screening" - Gunvor Aasbø - Kreftregisteret
"Using social media to increase cervical cancer screening attendance among younger women - the annual #SJEKKDEG" - Ameli Trope - Kreftregisteret
"Long term follow-up of women vaccinated with GARDASIL (LTFU V501) and GARDASIL9 (LTFU V503)" - Thea Falkenthal - Kreftregisteret
"Registry based studies to evaluate HPV vaccine effect against HPV-related cancers and pre-cancers (VIP: Vaccine Impact in Population)" - Ståle Nygård - Kreftregisteret
"Registry based studies to evaluate HPV vaccine effect against anogenital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis" - Ståle Nygård - Kreftregisteret
"Even faster elimination of cervical cancer in Norway" - Mari Nygård og Ståle Nygård - Kreftregisteret
"Livmorhalsprogrammet/CervicalScreen Norway" - Birgit Engesæter - Kreftregisteret
"Biomarkers of HPV-related cancers - Using prospective samples from the Janus Serum Bank" - Hilde Langseth - Kreftregisteret
"Investigating HPV intra-host variation and integration patterns using deep sequencing" Alexander Hesselberg Løvestad - OsloMet